Mycorrhiza for Strawberries
Increased fruit quality.
Higher resistance against drought and plant diseases.
Benefits of Mycorrhiza for strawberry cultivation
Our product for strawberries - Mycorrhiza Soluble
The most natural way to fertilise your strawberries.
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Mycorrhiza for Strawberries
For strawberry cultivation Mycorrhiza is very beneficial and leads to stronger plants 1,2 that are more resistant against drought and plant diseases.
Mycorrhiza optimises the water and nutrient supply, this leads to increased growth1,2 qualitatively and quantitatively higher yields.
1) PETGEN, Matthias. Einfluß der arbuskulären Mykorrhiza auf Nähstoffaufnahme und Wachstum bei Reben (Vitis sp.). Grauer, 1998.
2) Karagiannidis, Nikitas, and Nikolaos Nikolaou. "Influence of arbuscular mycorrhizae on heavy metal (Pb and Cd) uptake, growth, and chemical composition of Vitis vinifera L.(cv. Razaki)." American journal of enology and viticulture 51, no. 3 (2000): 269-275.