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Especially in Asia the Maitake mushroom has been known for centuries as a very special and unique mushroom. One reason for this is seen in its dumose, i.e. its bushy form, which allows the mushroom to fit perfectly into its surroundings- an excellent camouflage. Another reason lies in its components, which are so precious that collectors in ancient Asia kept the places of discovery top secret. Today, especially in Asia and in the European-American area, the Maitake is known as a delicious, fleshy edible mushroom, which is also characterized by its high nutritional value and its medicinal properties. Because of this, the fungus also gets more and more pharmaceutical attention, and for the last few years it has become a valuable research object in korean, japanese and american studies.
The fruit bodies have a brownish to dark gray color. Out of each fungal strain sprout many overlappingly growing hats with a diameter of 2-10 cm. The young fruiting bodies have a very delicious taste. Fully grown Maitake can be dried and prepared as a tea. In particularly good conditions, Grifola frondosa produces fruiting bodies with a weight of 500 g and more. The main active components of Grifola frondosa are polysaccharides such as beta-glucan, grifolin and grifolan and high quantities of ergosterol (provitamin D).
You receive ready colonised rye grain spawn for inoculation of convenient fruiting substrate. Larger quantities for commercial mushroom growing on request. Recommended only for experienced cultivators!
Production time: Spawn is made fresh after ordering, production time 2 to 3 weeks.
This product is fresh produce and should be processed immediatly after delivery.
If the product cannot be processed immediatley, it can be stored in the fridge at 4° Celsius for a maximum of two weeks.
Mastergrain (rye based)
Certified for organic mushroom cultivation.
(Organic control station: AT-BIO-301, Austria Bio Garantie)
1 autoclavebag approx. 3.3 kg – 6 liter
Price: from 19.90 €
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Basidiomycota
Class: Agaricomycetidae
Order: Polyporales
Family: Meripilaceae
Genus: Grifola
Species: Grifola frondosa
Spores: white, elliptical, smooth and hyaline 6 - 7 x 3.5 - 5 µ
Growing conditions:
Phase 1: Mycelium growth
Temperature: 21 - 24°C
Humidity: 95 - 100%
Duration: 14 - 30 days, then dormant for 30 days
CO2: 20,000 - 40,000 ppm
Fresh air exchange: 0 - 1 per hour
Light: n/a
Phase 2: Primordia Formation
Temperature: 10 - 15,6 °C
Humidity: 95 %
Duration: 5 - 10 days
CO2: 2,000 - 5,000 ppm
Fresh air exchange: 4 - 8 per hour
Light: 100 - 500 lux
Phase 3: Fond development
Temperature: 10 - 15,6 °C
Humidity: 90 - 95%
Duration: 10 - 14 days
CO2: 2,000 - 5,000 ppm
Fresh air exchange: 4-8 per hour
Light: 100 - 500 lux
Phase: Fruiting and Harvest
Temperature: 13 - 16 (18)°C
Humidity: 75 -85 %
Duration: 14 - 21 days
CO2: <1,000 ppm
Fresh air exchange: 4 - 8 per hour
Light: 500 - 1,000 lux
Cropping cycle: 2 flushes, every 3-4 weeks
SKU: | AN222-0002 |
Shipping weight: | 4,00 kg |
Content: | 6,00 l |
Synonyms: Ram's Head, Sheep's Head, Signorina mushroom, Maitake, Kumotake, Huai Su Gu
Natural habitat:
Maitake can be found especially on stumps or at the base of dead hardwood such as oaks, elms, blackgum, maples, larch and beech. In few cases Maitake has been found on pines as well.
Appropriate Substrate:
Hardwood (most suitable: oak, beech, maple, birch, elm)
Edible mushroom, vital mushroom
Especially in Asia the Maitake mushroom has been known for centuries as a very special and unique mushroom. One reason for this is seen in its dumose, i.e. its bushy form, which allows the mushroom to fit perfectly into its surroundings- an excellent camouflage. Another reason lies in its components, which are so precious that collectors in ancient Asia kept the places of discovery top secret.
Today, especially in Asia and in the European-American area, the Maitake is known as a delicious, fleshy edible mushroom, which is also characterized by its high nutritional value and its medicinal properties. Because of this, the fungus also gets more and more pharmaceutical attention, and for the last few years it has become a valuable research object in korean, japanese and american studies. The fruit bodies have a brownish to dark gray color. Out of each fungal strain sprout many overlappingly growing hats with a diameter of 2-10 cm. The young fruiting bodies have a very delicious taste. Fully grown Maitake can be dried and prepared as a tea. In particularly good conditions, Grifola frondosa produces fruiting bodies with a weight of 500 g and more. The main active components of Grifola frondosa are polysaccharides such as beta-glucan, grifolin and grifolan and high quantities of ergosterol (provitamin D).
Class: Basidiomycetes
Division: Agaricomycetidae
Order: Polyporales
Family: Meripilaceae
Genus: Grifola frondosa
Spores: white, elliptical, smooth and hyaline 6 - 7 x 3.5 - 5 µ