Turkey Tail - Trametes versicolor - Pure culture
Synonyms: Many-Colored Polypore, Kawaratake, Yun Zhi, Cloud Mushroom
One of the most easily identifiable polypores, and the most ubiquitous, this multicolored mushroom is recognized throughout the world. Native to tropical, subtropical, and temperate zones, this species is highly adaptive, growing on the widest assortment of woods.
Production time: The culture is made fresh after ordering, production time 2 to 3 weeks.
This product is fresh produce and should be processed immediatly after delivery.
If the product cannot be processed immediatley, it can be stored in the fridge at 4° Celsius for a maximum of two weeks.
Turkey Tail - Trametes versicolor - pure culture
Living Turkey Tail fungi culture in cell culture flask for further multiplication and professional spawn production, refined to highly productive strains by natural selection.
Filling volume: 15 ml culture medium, Growth area: 25 cm², Measurements: L x W x H = 79,7 x 42,6 x 26,53 mm
Certified for organic mushroom cultivation
(Organic control station: AT-BIO-301, Austria Bio Garantie)
Living, actively growing, axenic Trametes versicolor cell culture, entirely free of other strains or contaminating organisms, for further multiplication. Our pure cultures are custom-made and produced fresh after ordering in a class 100 clean room environment on a solid culture medium (MEA) based on vegetable raw materials, it needs around 2 to 3 weeks until the culture is mature enough for shipping. The culture is supplied in special cell culture flasks (Filling volume: 15 ml culture medium, Growth area: 25 cm², Measurements: L x W x H = 79,7 x 42,6 x 26,53 mm) with breathable, hydrophobic membrane. This special design prevents introduction of contaminants and enables optimum gas exchange thanks to the high air flow rate of the membrane. In this packaging the mushroom culture can also survive longer shipping distance and time without loss of quality or germinative ability.
This product is intended for professional Turkey Tail mushroom spawn production or further multiplication of this fungi strain. Working with pure cell cultures requires detailed mushroom cultivation skills. For beginners and hobby growers working with grain spawn or sawdust spawn is recommended.
We also offer further literature to gain detailed cultivation knowledge, one of the following books is highly-recommended for successful cultivation:
- Growing Gourmet & Medicinal Mushrooms, Dr. Paul Stamets, ISBN: 978-1580081757
- Mushroom Cultivation IV - appropriate technology for mushroom growers, Peter Oei, ISBN 978-90-8251290-8
Suitable Substrate:
hardwood (beech, oak, tan oak, alder, poplar, aspen, elm, ironwood, apple, cherry and other fruit trees)
Suitable method of cultivation:
wood logs, indoor mycelium bags for cultivation in a greenhouse
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Basidiomycota
Class: Agaricomycetes
Order: Polyporales
Family: Polyporaceae
Genus: Trametes
Species: Trametes versicolor
Spores: 5-6 x 1,5-2µ, cylindric, smooth, slightly curved, whitish in deposit
Growing conditions:
Phase 1: Mycelium growth
Temperature: 24 - 29°C
Humidity: 90 - 100%
Duration: 14 - 21 days
CO2: >5,000 ppm
Fresh air exchange: 1 per hour
Light: n/a
Phase 2: Primordia formation / Fruiting initiation
Temperature: 10 - 24 (up to 27) °C
Humidity: 95 - 100%
Duration: 7 - 14 days
CO2: 400-800 ppm
Fresh air exchange: 5 - 7 per hour
Light: 500 - 2,000 lux
Phase 3: Fruiting and Harvest
Temperature: 18 - 24°C
Humidity: 85 - 90 (95)%
Duration: 45 - 70 days
CO2: 500 - 1,000 ppm
Fresh air exchange: 5 - 7 per hour
Light: 500 - 2,000 lux
Cropping cycle: Two to three flushes over three months