Ghost fungus - Omphalotus nidiformis - mushroom patch - Strain Nr.:900001

28,90 €
4,82 € per 1 l
incl. 13% VAT , plus shipping costs
From Unit price / bag(s) (6,00 l) Base price
6 20,90 € * 3,48 € per l
Syn.: Ghost fungus - glowing through bioluminescence

Wood-based substrate for creating a Ghost fungus mushroom bed/patch.

For this product you will receive 289 Reward Points

Available immediately

Delivery status: Lead time 3-6 weeks

Ghost fungus - Omphalotus nidiformis

Luminescent mushroom for decoration - DEADLY POISONOUS!

Omphalotus nidiformis, or ghost fungus, is a gilled basidiomycetes mushroom most notable for its bioluminescent (ability for producing light) properties. Its bioluminescence, a blue-green color, is only observable in low light conditions when the eyes get dark-adapted. Not the entire fruit body glows, only the gills do, a phenomenon also called "foxfire". This is due to an enzyme called luciferase, acting upon a compound called luciferin, leading to the emission of light much as fireflies do. The fan- or funnel-shaped fruit bodies are up to 30 cm across, with cream-coloured caps overlain with shades of orange, brown, purple, or bluish-black. The white or cream gills run down the length of the stipe, which is up to 8 cm long and tapers in thickness to the base. The fungus is both saprotrophic and parasitic, and its fruit bodies are generally found growing in overlapping clusters on a wide variety of dead or dying trees. It could be mistaken as an edible pleurotus, but like most glowing mushrooms, the Omphalotus nidiformis is deadly poisonous!

Spawn is always made fresh on demand. Production time: 2 to 3 weeks.
This product is fresh produce and should be processed immediatly after delivery.
If the product cannot be processed immediatley, it can be stored in the fridge for a maximum of two weeks.

Ghost fungus - Omphalotus nidiformis - outdoor spawn-bag

Ready colonised culture for mushroom beds/patches

1 autoclave-bag approx. 3 kg - 6 liter
Price: from 18.60 €

Sie erhalten fertig von Pilzmyzel besiedeltes Holzsubstrat zum Anlegen eines Pilzbeetes. Für Anfänger geeignet.
Großmengen für die gewerbliche Pilzzucht auf Anfrage.

Ein Pilzbeet mit holzbewohnenden Pilzen anzulegen ist sehr einfach! Als ideale Zeit gilt der Frühling, sobald kein Nachtfrost mehr zu erwarten ist. Als Basis dienen Hackschnitzel bzw. Holzchips von Laubhölzern wie Buche, Eiche, Erle, Ulme, Esche oder ähnliches. Nadelhölzer sind für den Pilzanbau nicht geeignet.

SKU: AN230
Shipping weight‍: 3,20 kg
Item weight‍: 3,00 kg
Content‍: 6,00 l

Laying of a mushroom bed

Instructions in German as .PDF for download.

Laying of a mushroom bed

Laying of a mushroom bed

Instructions in English as .PDF for download.

Laying of a mushroom bed