Hot thai soup with Jew´s Ear
500g fresh Jew´s Ear
250g glass noodles
400g chicken breast
150g carrots
100g broccoli
2 pcs. green onions
3 cloves of garlic
3 pieces green chili peppers
1 piece red pepper
1 piece lemongrass
150ml coconut milk
150ml chicken soup
1 piece lemon
Soy sauce, yellow curry powder, pepper, corn flour, ginger
Let the glass noodles soak in warm water for 5 minutes.
Cut the chicken breast into bite-size pieces and turn them shortly in corn flour. Heat oil in a wok and roast the meat while turning fast. Flour the meat with curry powder and deglaze with a big shot of soy sauce. Now remove the meat from the wok.
Cut the Jew´s Ear in bite-size pieces, the carrots and the red pepper into fine stripes. Cut the green onions in fine rings. Cut the green chili peppers into fine stripes and remove the seeds except you want it really spicy. Chop the garlic and ginger fine.
Roast the mushrooms, carrots, red peppers, broccoli, garlic and ginger with a little oil in the wok. Deglaze again with a shot of soy sauce and add the chicken soup and the coconut milk. Now add the lemon grass without cutting it and boil up the soup for a short time. Add the chicken and the squeezed glass noodles and let it boil up again. Season with lemon juice, soy sauce and pepper to taste. Remove the lemon grass.
Serve the soup in small bowls and decorate with green onions and chili peppers.
Tip: this recipe works with almost every mushroom, like Shiitake, Lion´s Mane, Umbrella Polypore, Tree Oyster or Hen-of-the-Woods.