Mycorrhiza for Chilli and Peppers
Increased growth, higher fruit quality.
(Picture shows: Chili plant left without - right with Mycorrhiza)
Benefits of Mycorrhiza for Chili and Peppers
Our product for Chili and Peppers – Mycorrhiza Soluble
Use a 30g pack for up to 25 m² of soil surface. Mix the Mycorrhiza well with water and water it to the plants.
The most natural way to fertilize your chilli and peppers.
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Mycorrhiza for Chili and Peppers
Mycorrhiza treatment on peppers increases nutrient uptake and leads to greater leaf number, leaf area, shoot, root and fruit mas, reproductive growth was enhanced by 450 %4. Mycorrhiza also has a beneficial effect on fruit quality, fruit size, weight (+25 %) and the concentration of carotenoids (enhance colour)5.
Another benefit of Mycorrhiza is that it strengthen plants the immune system. A couple of research studies shows the protection of pepper plants against disease like wilt disease caused by Fusarium6 and root rot caused by Phytophtora and Rhizoctonia7,8.
Mycorrhiza plant fertilizer increase harvest yield
Since about 40 years now the team play between Mycorrhiza-fungi and plants is of particular interest to science. Today you can benefit from this symbiosis and naturally stimulate growth and efflorescence of your plants.
The name Mycorrhiza is composed of the Greek words mýkēs ('fungus') and rhíza ('root'). Out in nature 'mycorrhizal' species and plant roots form a symbiotic relationship for mutual benefit. Fossil records have shown that this partnership developed about 500 million years ago, along with the colonisation of the dry land by the first plants.
Mycorrhiza boosts root growth, improves nutrient uptake, leaf growth and flowering and raises crop yields of 95% of all crop and decorative plants while reducing repotting stress, water- and fertiliser consumption as well as drought stress.
We offer Mycorrhiza products for hobbyists and for professional users in four variations; as granular, powder to solubilize, seed inoculant and as tablets.
Application is easy, the cost are only few cents per plant!
The most natural way to fertilize your plants.
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4) Aguilera-Gomez, L., FT Jr Davies, V. Olalde-Portugal, S. A. Duray, and L. Phavaphutanon. "Influence of phosphorus and endomycorrhiza (Glomus intraradices) on gas exchange and plant growth of chile ancho pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv. San Luis)." Photosynthetica 36, no. 3 (1999): 441-449.
5) Mena-Violante, Hortencia G., Omar Ocampo-Jiménez, Luc Dendooven, Gerardo Martínez-Soto, Jaquelina González-Castañeda, Fred T. Davies Jr, and Víctor Olalde-Portugal. "Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi enhance fruit growth and quality of chile ancho (Capsicum annuum L. cv San Luis) plants exposed to drought." Mycorrhiza 16, no. 4 (2006): 261-267.
6) Sahi, Irfan Yousaf, and A. N. Khalid. "In vit o biological control of Fusarium oxysporum-r causing wilt in Capsicum annuum." (2007).
7) Ahmed, A. Sid, M. Ezziyyani, C. Pérez Sánchez, and Mª E. Candela. "Effect of chitin on biological control activity of Bacillus spp. and Trichoderma harzianum against root rot disease in pepper (Capsicum annuum) plants." European Journal of Plant Pathology 109, no. 6 (2003): 633-637.
8) Ahmed, Ahmed Sid, Consuelo Pérez Sánchez, and Maria Emilia Candela. "Evaluation of induction of systemic resistance in pepper plants (Capsicum annuum) to Phytophthora capsici using Trichoderma harzianum and its relation with capsidiol accumulation." European Journal of Plant Pathology 106, no. 9 (2000): 817-824.