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Karmelitergasse 21, 6020 Innsbruck
Syn.: Lentinus edodes, Agaricus edodes, Shii-Take, Shaingugu, Hua Gu, Qua Gu, Chinese black mushroom, black forest mushroom
This Shiitake Strain is particularly suitable for beginners and hobby-growers. Shiitake 75 brings good results and even if the growing conditions and substrate has not yet been 100 % perfected. The fruiting bodies of this Shiitake are equally medium sized. It can also be cultivated on straw but on that substrate the harvest yield is smaller in comparison with cultivation on wood substrates. Regarding the fruiting temperatures this Strain is also versatile regarding the temperatures, it fruits in a range between 10 to 24 °C, but you may consider that at lower temperatures the ripening of the fruit bodies may take some days longer.
The Japanese name Shiitake consists of the words Take (= mushroom) and Shii (= Pasania-tree) and means mushroom that grows on a tree. The Shiitake has originally been domiciled in Japan, Korea and China and his special characteristics are known by the people for more than 2000 years. The smell of this special mushroom is very similar to garlic and is due to an ingredient called Lenthionine. Shiitake counts to the most popular gourmet-mushrooms in the world.
Production time: Spawn is made fresh after ordering, production time 3 to 6 weeks.
This product is fresh produce and should be processed immediatly after delivery.
If the product cannot be processed immediatley, it can be stored in the fridge at 4° Celsius for a maximum of two weeks.
Shiitake - Lentinula edodes - Mushroom spawn for wood logs
Certified for organic mushroom cultivation
(Organic control station: AT-BIO-301, Austria Bio Garantie)
1 autoclave bag approx. 3 kg - 6 liter
Suitable for inoculation of 25 to 30 linear meters of wood.
You receive ready colonized mushroom spawn made from organic raw material (wood, rye bran from organic farming) for inoculation of wood logs. Suitable woods are oak, beech, birch, alder, chestnut or pasania.
For quantities of 10 or more logs inoculation with sawdust spawn is usually more efficient than working with dowels. Sawdust is a byproduct and more cost efficient and environmentaly sustainable than dowels that have to be produced. Because of this large quantities of spawn can be produced for a lower price. Sawdust spawn is suitable for the borehole inoculation method and the cutting inoculation method. Expected harvest yield is up to 10 % of the fresh woods weight divided on several flushes over 3 to 5 years.
For the borehole-method we recommend the usage of a mushroom drill, and an inoculation stick or a hand inoculator.
Larger quantities for commercial mushroom growing on request.
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Agaricomycetes
Class: Agaricomycetidae
Order: Agaricales
Family: Marasmiaceae
Genus: Lentinula
Species: Lentinula edodes
Spores: white, ovoid to ellipsoid, 5 - 6.5 x 3 - 3.5 µ
Growing conditions:
Phase 1: Mycelium growth
Temperature: 21 - 27°C
Humidity: 95 - 100%
Duration: 35 - 70 days
CO2: >10,000 ppm
Fresh air exchange: 0 - 1 per hour
Light: 50 - 100 lux
Phase 2: Primordia formation / Fruiting initiation
Temperature: 10 - 24°C
Humidity: 95 - 100%
Duration: 5 - 7 days
CO2: <1,000 ppm
Fresh air exchange: 4 - 7 per hour
Light: 500 - 2.000 lux
Phase 3: Fruiting and Harvest
Temperature: 10 - 24 °C
Humidity: 60 -80%
Duration: 5 - 8 days
CO2: <1,000 ppm
Fresh air exchange: 4 - 8 per hour
Light: 500 - 2,000 lux
Cropping cycle: 2 - 3 crops, about 2 weeks apart
SKU: | AN505-001 |
Shipping weight: | 3,20 kg |
Item weight: | 3,00 kg |
Content: | 6,00 l |
Synonyms: Agaricus edodes, Shii-Take, Shaingugu, Hua Gu, Qua Gu, Chinese black mushroom, black forest mushroom
Natural habitat:
Shiitake grows as a saprophyte on dead hardwood. He particularly prefers the Pasania-tree (Castanopsis cuspidata) and other asian oaks and beech trees.
Appropriate substrate:
Hardwood (most suitable: oak, beech, birch, alder, chestnut, pasania)
Vital mushroom, edible mushroom
The Shiitake has originally been domiciled in Japan, Korea and China and his special characteristics are known by the population for more than 2000 years. The smell of this special mushroom is very similar to garlic and is due to an ingredient called Lenthionine. Shiitake counts to the most popular gourmet-mushrooms in the world.
Classis: Agaricomycetes
Subclassis: Agaricomycetidae
Ordo: Agaricales
Familia: Marasmiaceae
Genus: Lentinula
Spores: white, ovoid to ellipsoid, 5-6,5 x 3-3,5 µ