Shaggy Mane Mushroom Powder ORGANIC - Coprinus comatus ORGANIC Mushroom Powder Capsules 120 pcs.

38,90 €
38,90 € per 120
incl. 10% VAT , plus shipping costs
Coprinus dietary supplement, certified organic. Syn.: Lawyer´s Wig, Shaggy Ink Cap, Maotou guisan

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Organic Shaggy Mane - mushroom powder capsules

Syn.: Lawyer´s Wig, Shaggy Ink Cap, Maotou guisan

120 pieces 395 mg each
(300 mg organic mushroom powder, 95 mg vegetable cellulose capsule)

Recommended use:
Take 2 times a day 2 capsules unchewed with water.
SKU: AN212
GTIN: 9009538001658
Shipping weight‍: 0,10 kg
Item weight‍: 0,08 kg

About the mushroom

Scientific name: Coprinus comatus

Synonyms: Shaggy Mane, Lawyer's Wig, Shaggy Ink Cap, maotou guisan


Natural habitat:
In parks and grasslands. Occurs on the entire northern hemisphere.


Appropriate Substrate:
Mushroom cultivation compost


Edible mushroom, vital mushroom

The mushroom contains plenty of potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, copper, zinc and niacin, but only little sodium; in addition, 20 free amino acids have been proven to be present in its proteins, among which are present all of the 8 essential amino acids (which the human body cannot produce by itself and therefore have to be ingested additionally)! Coprinus comatus contains the polysaccharide fucogalactan, great quantities of lectins and L-ergothioneine.

Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Basidiomycota
Class: Agaricomycetes
Order: Agaricales
Family: Agaricaceae
Genus: Coprinus
Spores: black, 11 - 15 x 6.0 - 8.5 µ, ellipsoid, with a germ pore at one end.