Shiitake Mushroom Powder ORGANIC - Lentinula edodes ORGANIC Mushroom Powder Capsules 120 pcs.

38,90 €
38,90 € per 120
incl. 10% VAT , plus shipping costs
Shiitake dietary supplement, certified organic. Syn.: Agaricus edodes, Shii-Take, Shaingugu, Hua Gu, Qua Gu, Chinese black mushroom, black forest mushroom

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Organic Shiitake - mushroom powder capsules

Syn.: Agaricus edodes, Shii-Take, Shaingugu, Hua Gu, Qua Gu, Chinese black mushroom, black forest mushroom

120 pieces 395 mg each
(300 mg organic mushroom powder, 95 mg vegetable cellulose capsule)

Recommended use:
Take 2 times a day 2 capsules unchewed with water.
SKU: AN002
GTIN: 9009538001634
Shipping weight‍: 0,10 kg
Item weight‍: 0,08 kg

About the mushroom

Scientific name: Lentinula edodes

Synonyms: Agaricus edodes, Shii-Take, Shaingugu, Hua Gu, Qua Gu, Chinese black mushroom, black forest mushroom

Natural habitat:
Shiitake grows as a saprophyte on dead hardwood. He particularly prefers the Pasania-tree (Castanopsis cuspidata) and other asian oaks and beech trees.


Appropriate substrate:
Hardwood (most suitable: oak, beech, birch, alder, chestnut, pasania)


Vital mushroom, edible mushroom


The Shiitake has originally been domiciled in Japan, Korea and China and his special characteristics are known by the population for more than 2000 years. The smell of this special mushroom is very similar to garlic and is due to an ingredient called Lenthionine. Shiitake counts to the most popular gourmet-mushrooms in the world.


Class: Agaricomycetes
Division: Agaricomycetidae
Order: Agaricales
Family: Marasmiaceae
Genus: Lentinula
Spores: white, ovoid to ellipsoid, 5 - 6.5 x 3 - 3.5 µ